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    7 Trophy Case Ideas to Proudly Display Your Awards at Home

    Receiving an award is a huge deal! Use these trophy case ideas to proudly display your trophies and awards at home. Stop sacrificing style for functionality!

    Trophies aren't just a sign of an award; they're a sign of the hard work, dedication, and sacrifice that you made towards achieving something.
    Maybe all those 60-70 hour work weeks paid off in the form of an Employee of the Month Award.
    Perhaps those long nights and weekends of taking extra shots on the Lacrosse net got you the All-Conference award back in the day.
    Whatever the case may be, you have a solid reason to show them off... but how?
    While there are several ways to set them, here are the best trophy case ideas to display your awards and achievements.


    1. Trophy Case

    While this one may be a bit obvious, there are several ways you can go about finding a tremendous trophy case.
    For one, you can turn an old china cabinet into a glorified trophy case that will have those awards shining like the north star.
    There are also efficient trophy cases that can show off a modest amount of your awards and double as a storage case. That way you can let everyone know of your achievements while not wasting any space to do so.
    Choose a tower trophy display unit if you'd like to show off without using up too much square footage.
    Glassdoor cabinets give your trophies a designated spot in your house while still showing off the glamour of their shine.


    2. Bookcase

    What shows off all of your achievements better than an entire bookcase filled with you and your family's trophies?
    You can organize the trophies by a bookshelf and categorize them to your liking: by sport, by person, by the size of the award, by year, etc.
    If you have several children, then dedicating an entire shelf to them shows you care and allows you a humble brag to all your guests on how amazing your kids are.
    Bookcases look great anywhere in the house, so they'll mesh well with whatever room you're wanting to show off the trophies in.


    3. Tower Cabinet

    Tower cabinets maximize the storage capacity in your wall's height, rather than it's width, and gives a subtle luxury to any room you place it in.
    Getting one with LED lights in it can amplify your trophies' shine and glow, while the mirrored back shows off each angle of the trophy... a very nice touch!
    What's better, getting a corner display will show off your awards and accomplishments regardless of where you walk in the living room.
    You want your guests to notice the trophies first thing, and having a corner display with beautiful LED lighting will make them stand out!


    4. Floating Shelves

    Is your little one wanting to keep their trophies somewhere in their room? If so, using floating shelves can be a great middle-ground.
    They won't take up very much space and will stick out to anyone that enters the room. 
    Floating shelves are a great option for organizing trophies by sport, stage of life, or achievement and having it all tie-in nicely together thanks to the unified color of the shelves themselves.
    The best part? Floating shelves are super inexpensive and can be found at your local hardware store in several different shapes and sizes.


    5. Pedestals

    Ever heard the cliche saying of "putting something on a pedestal"? Take that to a whole new extreme with a pedestal display case.
    This will allow your friends and family to observe the details of your trophy by looking over the display case.
    While pedestals are usually used to show off jewelry, they can also thrive as a great location to show off 2 or 3 of your favorite awards.
    Don't be shy, use this white jewelry display case to stand out in your living room and have every head turn to take a glance at your achievements lying inside. 
    You want to brag about the hardware that you've collected, and there's no better way to do that than in a jewelry-store-worthy case.


    6. Cube Display

    Maybe you have one award that you're more proud of than the rest.
    You don't often like to brag about the trophies you get, but this one is one you want everyone to know about.
    If that's the case, then enshrine it in a beautiful museum-like cube display case. 
    There's nothing wrong with letting everyone know how proud you are of the trophy, especially if it's a trophy that's heavily sought after (like your fantasy football league trophy, per se).
    The glass of a cube display will ensure your award receives minimal dust and dirt while staying protected from any accident.


    7. Wall-Mounted Units

    Are you digging the idea of the floating shelves, but looking for something a bit more luxurious? If so, you may want to consider wall-mounted units.
    First off, you can get lockable units to ensure your trophies and treasures are safe and sound.
    You can decide from a futuristic-yet-classy look of an all-glass wall unit with sliding doors or a timeless cherry-finished mount with a mirrored back.
    Either way, your guests will be as impressed with your individualistic way of hanging your hardware as they are with the awards you've received.


    Apply These Trophy Case Ideas to Your Home!

    What better way to show off your cool and shiny collection that with these trophy case ideas as their base?
    Make sure to measure out the space where you're hoping to place a new case or shelf/mount. that way you can avoid any unwanted surprises after your purchase.
    Be sure to check out this article on different display cabinets for a complete guide on the different shapes and sizes at your disposal.
    For more inquiries, please contact us at 0203 9822155.



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