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    Custom Trophy Display Ideas for Your Home or Office

    You have reached a major accomplishment and you are flying high! Congratulations! When this happens, you deserve to celebrate your achievement and put it on display.

    There is no better way to do this than by investing in an elegant trophy display case.
    So here are some Custom Trophy Display Ideas 

    Read through this article for some trophy display ideas and consider what you are most looking for in a display case.

    Why Choose a Glass Display Cabinet

    A glass display cabinet is the best choice you can make for your trophy display, both concerning appearances and protection.

    Glass cases fit nicely with any decor. They are sleek and stylish enough to fit in with a modern room look. At the same time, the glass makes them unobtrusive enough to match with many other room styles, as well.

    Glass cases also provide the best view of your awards. As long as you keep the glass clean, you will always have a crystal clear view of your trophies and can even view their many sides and features.

    Another reason to choose a glass cabinet for your trophy display is that it provides greater protection than any open form of display can. A closed glass display keeps dust and dirt from reaching your trophy, which can be difficult to clean and can cause damage to the trophy over time if not dealt with.

    Additionally, it is much harder to accidentally knock over an exposed trophy than one inside a case.

    Closed displays can also come with locks and other security measures, ensuring that your awards are protected from potential thieves.

    Custom Trophy Display Ideas

    Trophy cases come in many different forms. One might work better for your taste, your trophy (or trophies), and your space.

    Whether for your home or your office, and for one or twenty trophies, here are some impressive glass displays you can use to show off your awards.


    If you are looking to highlight one trophy and give it the most visible presentation you can, consider a pedestal.

    Pedestals are made to hold one object, making them ideal for bringing attention to one especially valued trophy. They take up relatively little space, meaning they can be a good option if you want to center your award in the room, rather than present it against the wall.

    Some pedestals have customizable lighting options, too, allowing you to bring extra attention to your award.

    Showcase Cabinets

    Do you have multiple awards you would like to put on display? A large showcase cabinet may be right for you.

    Glass showcase cabinets can hold many different awards and trophies without looking too crowded or detracting from the emphasis on any one of the trophies within them.

    These cabinets might be perfect for your purposes if you want to show off the trophies and awards of all of your family members or employees in one place. They also function very nicely as a way to dress up one wall of a room.

    Different heights and widths are available, so you can find the perfect fit for your space.

    Corner Cabinets

    Perhaps you do not have much available space in your home, office, sports club foyer, school reception or business workplace but still want to give your trophies the display they deserve. In this case, corner display showcases are a great option for you.

    Fitting right into any corner you choose, corner cabinets provide multiple shelves at different heights to ensure that your awards are on view and, at the same time, blend smoothly into the decor of the room.

    Different heights allow you to find a cabinet that is right for your ceiling height.

    Counter Cabinets

    Counter cabinets have the double function of presenting your trophies and serving as a surface for a variety of needs you may have.

    These can be perfect for an office space. You want your clients to see your accomplishments so they feel encouraged to work with you, which the trophy case offers. At the same time, you need a functional space to sign documents, work on your computer, and more, so the counter cabinet is ideal.

    Counter cabinets can certainly be used in the home as well. You may find that you have trophies you want to display and protect within a case, but a piece of artwork that you'd like to display in the open air. A counter cabinet can provide a space for both purposes.

    Customizable Options

    Your trophy is something you or your business, sports club or team earned for an amazing accomplishment. Therefore, your trophy display cabinet should be something you choose that you think will best help you celebrate that accomplishment.

    That is why it is a great idea to customise your trophy glass case how you see fit.

    Some ideas for customising include adding lighting, choosing a border, and selecting adjustable shelving.

    Lighting is a fantastic way to add elegance to your trophy display. Overhead LED lights and sidelights are beautiful additions to display cases.

    The border of your glass display cabinet can look like different materials and can come in different finishes. You want to pick something that will match well with the rest of the furniture in the room. Some good options include a wood pattern border for a comfortable living room and a metal finish for a modern office space.

    Adjustable shelving is a great feature of many trophy displays that allows you to customize your display to your variously sized awards. It also allows you to change the display as you acquire new trophies or simply when you decide it is time for a new look.

    You should also have your glass case sized properly for your space and consider storage options within your case.

    Choosing a Trophy Cabinet

    After reading this list of trophy display ideas, you may already be sure of which display method is perfect for you.

    If not, we can help! At Display Cabinets Direct, we offer a range of cabinet styles and can customize your cabinet to fit your space and your requests.

    Please reach out to us if you are interested in learning more about how we can help you make the best trophy display investment!

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