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    Glass Cabinets for Kids: What You Should Put in Your Child's Display

    Are you looking to start a display cabinet for your child with memorabilia or trophies? Learn what kind of glass cabinet you need here.


    If you have children, you know that they come with a lot of stuff. It seems like things just accumulate, even if you do your best to stay on top of things and keep them cleaned out. But the good news is that you don't have to get rid of your child's special things, even if they don't use them anymore.

    And you don't have to put them in storage, either!

    A glass cabinet is a great way to put your child's favorite things on display. There's no better way to honor their keepsakes and keep them fresh in everyone's memory!

    But what goodies should you store in your child's glass cabinet? Keep reading to find out what we store in ours!

    Museum Worthy Art

    When your kids are young and in school, it seems like they bring home an entire forest worth of papers. It'd be impossible, or at least impractical, to keep all of them.

    So, which ones do you keep? And what should you do with them?

    Keeping your favorite pieces of your child's art or school paperwork in a box seems to defeat the purpose of keeping them at all, right?

    Instead of sticking their art in a box for them to throw away when they get older, put the best ones on display!

    Favorite Toys and Stuffies

    Every kid has a toy or stuffed animal that they carried around like it was attached to them. But, as sad as it is, kids grow out of them over time!

    It can be downright soul-crushing to have to toss your child's old favorite toy in the trash. Instead, if it was a very special stuffed animal or toy, consider putting it in a glass cabinet to preserve it for them!

    Favorite blankets make great backdrops for some of the other items on this list, as well. There's no end to the way you can repurpose your child's old favorite things.

    Honor Roll Certificates and School Awards

    Nothing makes us prouder as parents then when our kids bring home awards from school. But they can only stay on the fridge for so long!

    Instead of tucking these rewards away in a box or sticking them in the trash, put them in a nice frame and set them in a glass cabinet. This'll be a great boost to your kid's confidence while they're in school and a reminder of what they can do later on!

    Trophies, Medals, and Ribbons! Oh My!

    Instead of letting your child's sports trophies or 4-H ribbons sit out on their dresser, put them on proper display. A well-lit glass cabinet can be the best way to keep these special memories safe and sound.

    Special Certifications

    Does your child have a special certification that they had to work to get? Are they trained in CPR or first aid? Put these special certificates in their keepsake glass display so they don't get lost.

    Pictures of Family and Friends

    If you live far away from your family or friends, it can be difficult for a child to adjust. Keep a few nice pictures of fun moments that your child had with those special people in a glass cabinet for them to remember!

    Mementoes from Loved One's Past

    If your child lost a loved one, a great way to help them find closure and heal during this difficult time is to present them with a way to remember their loved one. A few pictures, a copy of the funeral service paper, and a few special flowers from the event are just a few nice mementoes you can put in there for them to keep.

    If they shared special past-times with their loved ones, like doing puzzles together or going to yard sales, keep a few of these special items as well.

    Scrapbook Pages

    Do you create scrapbook pages for your child? Sometimes, when you create a really beautiful page it can feel like a crime to have to shut it away in a book.

    If you or your child made a scrapbook page that you're proud of, frame it and put it in their glass display case! This way your visitors can see it too!

    Favorite Childhood Books

    Do you still have that one book your child made you read a hundred times when they were little? You know, the one where they knew every word by heart before they could even read?

    Don't toss it, instead put it in a place of honor. Memories of those times are so special, make sure they're never forgotten.

    Special Collections

    Did your child collect rocks, buttons, or matchbox cars? These are another one of those things that it can be hard to find the right place for once they've outgrown the habit.

    But a display case is an excellent option to put these prized collections on display.

    There are tons of ways that you can arrange collections in an artful way to make the display beautiful and practical all at once!

    Family Heirlooms

    Does your family have pretty jewelry or other small collector's items that you want to give to your child, but they're just not ready to take care of them yet? Instead of tucking them away in a jewelry box or in storage, put them in a glass cabinet!

    This is a great way to ensure that they're kept safely while also giving your child a goal to work towards.

    Create a Beautiful Glass Cabinet Display For Your Children

    It can be hard to let go of your child's favorite things. And while it's okay to let go of some things, there's nothing wrong with keeping the extra special things. Just make sure you have something to do with them other than just keeping them in a box in the attic!

    A glass cabinet is a perfect way to put your child's things away and in a place of pride all at the same time.

    If you're looking for the perfect glass cabinet for your child's things, browse our selection today!


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